Our new home is a Key West "orange" kind of home, yet this 2 story house is done in a someone modern Victorian style. We have a wrap around porch, with white columns, and may of the houses in our neighborhood have lovely medallions on the front. We didn't, so I ordered one on Ebay. We had boring black house numbers stuck on with some kind of putty, and I wanted a more regal house number plaque. They were expensive at the local hardware stores, so I decided to custom make our own. Our front door is a darker terracotta orange, so I made it to match that. I got my plaque at JoAnn's with a 40% off coupon. It was about $8. I got the wood applique (that came in a set of 2) at Lowes. They were $11, so the single one was $6.50. The numbers are painted aluminum, which I then spray painted with an exterior cream colored paint. I painted the plaque with exterior house paint from Home Depot. I chose one that was a primer and a paint in one. I used a permanent, waterproof glue (there are many choices out there) to adhere the wood applique, and hammered the nails into the numbers to secure them. I actually took a bit of paint and painted the tops of the nails the same color as the numbers, so they would blend in. I am posting the pics in order of the steps. It's pretty simple, and shows what order I did things in.
Great Work, I Feel it gives a sense of happiness & Satisfaction with the work which we do to make our Home look beautiful.