I'll be adding a new clip art piece later today, but first, I wanted to share some Dollar store ideas. We just moved very close to a Dollar Tree store, and I am in there all the time! Yesterday, I found they had put out their new Halloween items (Yay! That means fall is on the way!) and I found this packet of black cat paper cut-outs. I already have ideas for a cute 3 piece, small canvas mixed media piece using these cats. Those of you who know me well, know that I adore cats, and one of mine happens to be black.
What else can you use from the dollar store? Toothbrushes for spattering paint, plastic plates as reusable paint palettes, craft foam sheets for making your own stamps, scissors, sandpaper for distressing your art pieces, coffee cups for holding your brushes, and tissue paper for wrapping your pieces for mailing or gift giving. I prefer the Dollar Tree, because EVERYTHING is a dollar....AND they have great chocolate. I am a self-proclaimed chocolate snob (usually, I prefer European brands), but the Dollar Tree has their own brand made by Landmark Confections, that is soooooo good!
On another note, here is a picture of my studio in our new home. I finally have my own room, with tiled floors, so I can spread out and make a big, creative mess. I am a complete clean freak when it comes to the rest of the house, but I am really good at making a mess when I am in my creating mode. Well, off to eat some breakfast and get on with the day! Stop back later for some clip art!
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